BSc(Hons) Communication, Advertising & Marketing

A unique approach to studying advertising, marketing, public relations and digital media .

The BSc in Communication, Advertising and Marketing aims to develop in students an understanding of the theoretical and empirical basis of communication and to allow them to acquire a broad knowledge of the realities of how integrated communication operates in advertising, marketing, organisational communication and other associated disciplines.

It provides a platform for critical, analytical and independent thinking. Our aim is that students develop a professional identity, knowledge and skills to enhance their prospects for employment, academic progression and continuing professional development.

The CAM Degree looks at advertising, marketing, and public relations practices and contexts from a communication perspective, enabling you to become a skilled, innovative, and ethical practitioner who always has an eye on industry developments and new and emerging technologies. You will gain a solid grounding in communication theory and practice which is then practically applied in organisational contexts as the course progresses. The course is well known and well respected by the communication industries.

36 months (3 years)

Educational form:

Education Variants:


October’s intake:
Classes Start Date:             
6 October 2025

British Degree:
Bachelor Degree


AAS College is set in a modern, purpose – built university campus. Students learn in specially designed lecture rooms and theatre, laboratories, design studios and in flexible teaching spaces. Individual and group study spaces allow students to work alone or collaborate on projects. This course has dedicated graphics studios for workshops, group and independent working. They are equipped with projectors and screens and Macs or PCs or both. There are also campus digital media suites with software including: Adobe Creative Suite.

BSc(Hons) Communication, Advertising & Marketing - COURSE STRUCTURE


Assessment is based on coursework and written assessment. You will be continually assessed throughout the course.

Pass mark for course, modules and individual assessments: 40%
The award of BSc Hons Communication, Advertising and Marketing is achieved after completion of 360 credit points.


The CAM Degree with its broad and varied range of modules offers a host of career options and affords students the chance to engage with various aspects of communication before they enter the workplace. The degree is recognised by employers in the public, private and voluntary sectors. Many of our graduates, not surprisingly, take up positions in Advertising and Marketing, but, in addition, CAM graduates hold senior positions in the Public Relations, digital communication, media, government, retail, education and hospitality sectors. Graduate employment options are truly wide-ranging.

Job roles

With this Degree you could become:

  • Account Executive
  • Communications Officer
  • Digital Marketing Officer
  • Marketing Manager
  • Social Media Manager
  • Advertising executive
  • Public Relations Officer

Diploma and transcript from your high school

Evidence of your ability in English language


AAS Application Form completed

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Apply to AAS

Accepting applications for Fall and Summer terms.


You should apply direct to the AAS College. We accept applications throughout the year, but advise you to apply early. We would like to receive application forms before 30th of August.

All candidates are required to submit the following documents:

1. A Fully Completed Application

AAS Application Form completed

A scanned copy of your passport

2. English language certificate

Certified Photocopy of English Language qualification(s).

Undergraduate applicants must have a fluent command of the English language which can be proven via the following examinations:

TOEFL: paper based 550 / computer based 213 / Internet based 79-80 or

IELTS: 6,0 or other equivalent qualifications.

Candidates who have not acquired an English language qualification at the time of the submission of their application form are required to submit it at least one month before the commencement of the course.

3. Diploma of previous education

International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or six IB Subject Certificates, or A Levels obtained locally

Certified Photocopy of the Diploma of Secondary Education (High School Diploma), along with the final year’s academic transcript

Candidates who have not yet graduated from high school at the time of application, should submit the available academic transcripts from their current year of study, as well as a full transcript from the previous year of study

If the High School Diploma is produced in another language it should be translated and verified in English

4. Portfolio

You can send us approximately 20 examples of your work with a short written commentary. Most of this work
can be in the form of photographs on a CD or a PDF file. It is helpful for us to see examples of your original
drawings too.

submit your documents via email to:
for large files use

our response:

A member of our staff will contact you in 48 hours.

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BSc(Hons) Communication, Advertising and Marketing

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